Records Management Forms


The Records Destruction Form must be completed with all departmental signatures and then submitted for review by the University Records Officer prior to the destruction of any records, with the exception of records that are determined to be Convenience Copies.


PVAMU Records Destruction Form

The Records Destruction Form must be completed with all departmental signatures and then submitted for review by the University Records Officer prior to the destruction of any records, with the exception of records that are determined to be Convenience Copies.

Instructions for completing the Destruction Form

  1. Enter the Department Name, Date, Location and Phone Ext.
  2. Select the Agency Item Number from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter a description of the type of document that is being destroyed. If items relate to a specific semester then make sure to include this in the description.
  4. Enter the Date Range (MM/YYYY). These dates are inclusive and should be for the oldest to the most recent dates of the documents. (Ex. If you have documents from January 20, 1990 to September 8, 2000, you would enter the date range as 01/1990 – 09/2000).
  5. Select the Medium, which would be paper or electronic.
  6. Select the Location. This helps us to know where the records are, whether in an imaging system or a shared drive or a file cabinet.
  7. Select the Destruction Method. (Shred for paper records or Delete for electronic records).
  8. Department Head must sign and date the form.
  9. At the time of disposition the department records coordinator must have a witness sign and date the form in which they will be attesting to the fact that they were present and saw the records being disposed of.
  10. The University Records Officer will sign and date the destruction form and leave a copy of the form with the department. The University Records Officer will maintain the original copy of the form according to the state retention schedule.

PVAMU Records Coordinator Form

Each department must designate one individual and a backup who will be responsible for handling records within their respective department. The individual will be the point of contact when any questions regarding their department’s records arise and will be the point of contact for the University Records Management Officer.



Article ID: 1661
Mon 12/13/21 5:33 PM
Tue 12/6/22 2:14 PM