

DocuSign allows documents to be created, routed and signed with an electronic signature. DocuSign meets the industry’s rigorous security certification standards which will make all documents that are signed court-admissible, digitally signed and a tamper-evident Certificate of Completion.



DocuSign allows documents to be created, routed and signed with an electronic signature. DocuSign meets the industry’s rigorous security certification standards which will make all documents that are signed court-admissible, digitally signed and a tamper-evident Certificate of Completion.

DocuSign allows you to:

  • Send – Easily upload and send documents for electronic signature.
  • Sign – Quickly access and sign documents that require your signature.
  • Manage – Check a document status, send reminders, view audit trails and securely store online.

Login to DocuSign

Docusign User Guides

To better assist you with the use of Docusign, please use the guides and other resources provided.

Docusign: How it Works

Docusign: Creating Your Signature

Docusign: Sending a Document

Docusign: Signing a Document

Docusign: Mobile


There is always the question of legality when you mention signatures on a piece of paper and with e-signatures it is the same question, Is it Legal? There are two laws that help to define the legality of e-signatures:

The E-SIGN Act (Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act) was passed by Congress in June 2000 is a federal statute that establishes the legal equivalency of electronic contracts, electronic signatures and other electronic records with their paper counterparts. It specifies that in the United States, the use of a digital signature is as legally valid as a traditional signature written in ink on paper. The E-Sign Act applies to all types of transactions, whether in interstate or foreign commerce, unless a specific exception applies. The legal strength is due to the robust authentication data captured by online signature software, which provides digital evidence of who signed a document, as well as when, where and how they did it.

The UETA (Uniform Electronic Transactions Act) works in conjunction with the E-SIGN Act to help ensure the validity of electronic contracts. This act was approved by the National Conference of Commissions on Uniform State Laws in 1999.



Article ID: 500
Wed 9/1/21 2:37 PM
Tue 12/6/22 11:42 AM