Change Management SOP

Tags SOP Change

All changes that will have a significant impact on any mission critical systems, PVAMU network or a system stores sensitive/controlledmission critical data must be approved by the change committee. This includes the following but it not limited to:

  • Application/database code change, application/database patches
  • Server updates and upgrades that will take the system offline
  • Installing new network appliance or servers
  • Network device upgrades, patches or configuration changes
  • Scheduled outages
  • New software/system installation that will impact multiple users
  • Firewall Changes

Each change must have the appropriate risk level as determined by the change initiator and or CITE.

Emergency Changes will have documentation stating why the implemented change was an emergency. (An emergency change is a change that must meet a business or security need and must be implemented before the change committee meets.)

Change implementers must communicate the change updates and possible impact to all users that may be impacted by the change.

Change State and Status

Changes can be in 5 states – Canceled, closed, in-progress, open, hold. The status of change will be open until the change is approved and it goes to In-Progress

A change status can be, Approved/Rejected/Pending

  • Approved – the change has been successfully approved for production implementation by the change committee
  • Rejected – the change has been rejected by the committee and will not be allowed to move forward unless a risk exception is submitted
  • Pending – the committee requires more information before making a decision

General Change Procedure

  1. If possible, all changes should be implemented in a test environment, tested and signed off by the information owner/CITE Manager before submitting any changes
  2. Once approved by the information owner CITE Manager, complete the change management request form in  Teamdynamix
  3. All forms submitted will be routed to the reporting manager before being routed to the change coordinator. Submit forms to the change coordinator (ISO– Mr. Henry Rose) by 5:00 pm on Friday the week before change.
  4. Change coordinator will invite initiator/implementer to change management meeting held on Tuesday at 11:00 am, via Teams.
    1. If disapproved by the committee notify the information owner/requestor, if more information is needed, the change will be marked as on hold
    2. If approved, document the change approval in the change log and notify change initiator/implementer of the approval.
  5. Change implementer will schedule the change during a normal change window, emergency changes are scheduled on an as needed schedule.
  6. Changes will be added to the change calendar
  7. The information owner will verify the success of the change and provide feedback to CITE. This information shall be provided by the change implementation team.
  8. Communication will be sent out to all impacted information owners notifying them of the change by the change implementation team.
  9. In case of an emergency change, change initiator will have the team manager sign off on the change and document why the change is an emergency. The change can be implemented, and submit documentation to the change management committee for approval before the next change meeting. If an outage is required, the CIO must approve.
  10. The information owner/implementation team will verify the success of the change and provide feedback to the change committee
  11. The change manager will ensure that all changes are documented
  12. Changes should contain details on affected systems and should document the process to be followed where necessary.
  13. Major changes outside of the normal change window must be approved by the CIO or his designee

*All changes submitted should also include and codes/packages that will be implemented in the production environment by CITE

Banner Change

UAP: The change management procedure is the implementation of UAP 29.01.03.PO.17  and can be viewed at  uap 29.01.03.P0.17.pdf

Scope: This SOP applies to all Banner changes inclusive of maintenance and patching on the campus of Prairie View A&M University. Changes made to non-production and DRP systems are outside the scope of this procedure.

Due date: All change forms must be submitted to the change advisory board ( by 5:00 p.m. Friday prior to the Change Management Meeting which is held every Tuesday.

All documentation related to the change should be kept in a manner compliant with audit specifications. These documents can also be viewed to analyze the changes for possible improvements to the business process or for root cause analysis of the change. The review process will also aid in identifying which changes can be classified as task and implemented through a ticket.

Banner Change Procedure

  1. If possible, all changes should be implemented in the test environment, tested and signed off by the information owner/requestor before submitting any changes.
  2. Proof of testing should be retained by the implementing department
  3. Once approved by the information owner/requestor must submit the change form in Team dynamix
  4. If the change is disapproved by the committee, notify the change implementer; if more information is needed, the change will be marked as on hold.
  5. If approved, document the change approval in the change log and notify the change implementation team of the approval. CITE will schedule the change during a normal change window based upon the urgency of the change and the impact of the change.
  6. Changes will be added to the change calendar
  7. Change implementer will provide change documentation* and implement the change.
  8. The change initiator will verify the success of the change and provide feedback to CITE.
  9. Communication will be sent out to all Banner information owners notifying them of the change by the implementer.
  10. In case of an emergency change, the change implementation team will implement the change and submit documentation* to the change management committee for approval at a later date.
  11. The change initiator /CITE will verify the success of the change and provide feedback to the change committee.
  12. The change coordinator will ensure that all changes are documented.
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Article ID: 9749
Mon 8/29/22 9:34 AM
Mon 8/29/22 9:34 AM