Shared Drive

Faculty and Staff may utilize shared network drives to share information between, Faculty, and Staff. In addition to sharing capabilities, these drives are backed up every night to ensure data continuity. Any important information or class assignments should be saved to a shared drive to protect from computer hardware failures

Home Drive (H)

This is your personal drive that only you have access to. Please store important information in this drive. Home Drives have a quota of 1 GB.  If you go over that amount you will no longer be able to save to that drive.


Myfiles offers a simple web interface to your personal Home Drive(H:) from any web browser.  Faculty and staff can access their personal home (H) drive by visiting For more information click on Myfiles Overview

Department or Committee Shared Drive
Department shared folders are a great way for faculty and staff within a department to share and collaborate on documents and other files. Work saved in the department shared folder is more secure than that saved to your computer because it is backed up on University servers and is not affected if your computer crashes. Departments can request, at no charge, twenty (20) gigabytes of space to meet departmental needs.

How to request this:

The Dean or department head must complete the Disk Storage Request Form. The department must appoint an administrator to manage the shared drive space. This administrator will be responsible for allocating the departmental space and defining access rights for departmental users. Send or Fax the completed form to Information Technology Services S.R. Collins Room 126. Please Allow 3 business days for processing. Incomplete forms will not be processed

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