Resetting your password

PVAMU Faculty, Staff and Students can reset their PVAMU passwords using the online password reset tool. 

Reset Your Password


Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit the PVAMU Password Reset site by clicking on the "Reset Your Password" button above
  2. Get back into your account
  3. You will be prompted to enter your PVAMU email then enter the characters in the picture. Please enter your email as username@ pvamu .edu. Then “Next”
  4. Based on the authentication options imported for you, you will able to call or text the cell phone number we have on file for you. You will need to type in the number and either select call or text.SMS option 
    Call Option:
    MFA call option
  5. Once you have verified using either of the methods, you will be taken to the “create a new password” pop up.
    1. Use at least 12-16 characters.
    2. Create a strong password that can’t be easily guessed or cracked.
    3. Work or school account passwords require each of the following:
      1. Lower Case Letters
      2. Upper Case Letters
      3. Numbers (0-9)
      4. Symbols, including: ! @ # $ % ^ & * + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ~ “ < > ( ) ;
  6. Select “Finish”
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Related Services / Offerings (1)

You can change your password online. However, if you are having trouble resetting your password, you can open a support ticket.