Once your mailbox has been migrated you’ll need to make some minor adjustments to your email account on both the iPhone and Android mobile devices.
- On your iPhone go to Settings/Passwords & Accounts.
- Open your email.
- Close out of settings.
- Select Done and you should get checkmarks on each field.

- Add @pvamu.edu to the end of your username. This will make it look like your email address.
- Back out whatever is in the Domain field.
- Server should now say outlook.office365.com
- Your email address should be the same.
- You will then see the menu below.
- Under Exchange and Account, click on your email address.
- Under Accounts click on where your PVAMU was previously.
- If you are using the native Gmail client, open it. Go to Settings.
- Under Settings click on where your PVAMU was previously.
- Scroll down to Server settings and select Incoming settings.
- You will then see the menu below:

- Ensure Domain\Username is only your complete email address
- Server should show:outlook.office365.com if it does not, change it.
- Port should be 443 and Security type should remain: SSL/TLS
- Select Done and your email should synchronize after a possible Password Prompt.
- Open your email.
Note: The Android has many different OS versions that are also slightly different depending on your cellphone provider. The configuration shown above is for Oreo (8.1) from AT&T. It should be similar back to Nougat (7.0). If these directions do not work, you will need to contact your particular cell provider for more accurate instructions